Located in a mountainous rural region of the Free State, SOS QwaQwa’s Social Centre goes the extra mile to forge strong partnerships and ensure that its programmes take root in the community. By strengthening community involvement, and encouraging the community to take ownership of SOS programmes, we can provide long-term solutions to social issues by enhancing the quality of childcare and child protection.
The SOS QwaQwa Social Centre provides direct support to 24 foster care families, and reaches more than 550 children through family strengthening activities. Being a rural area, villages in QwaQwa are under-developed, presenting low opportunities for employment. An offshoot of this is a high rate of school dropouts, as young people do not see the value of education. SOS, in collaboration with local partners, constantly seeks opportunities to motivate and inspire young people through career days, job shadowing, visits to universities etc.
Contact SOS Children's Villages Qwa Qwa on: 058 789 0088