SOS Children's Village Pietermaritzburg

SOS Pietermaritzburg is a place of peace and tranquillity; and is filled with love, laughter and a sense of hope for the future. 


The village offers alternative care to 91 children, who live in 13 family houses, and supports another 495 children through family strengthening activities. SOS Pietermaritzburg is firmly entrenched in the local community.

The site offers a variety of programmes, workshops, community service activities, therapeutic programmes, youth development and educational support. The biggest societal challenge is drugs, with drugs such as ecstasy, crack, crack cocaine and mandrax growing in popularity. SOS invests a lot of time in helping children and youth develop skills to make positive choices in life and refrain from drug use.

Contact SOS Children's Villages Pietermaritzburg on: 03338 69605/62386/7