The Digital



The Digital Village Project

Launched in 2017, the Digital Village project aims to modernise and advance the daily operations of the SOS Children’s Village houses. The technology is being utilized to improve the quality of education, train and build the caregivers’ capacities, and increase awareness on child safeguarding issues, build and enhance youth employment skills, facilitate virtual and effective communication between the programme participants and the administration.

The Digital Village project received 80 laptops in 2020, these have been set up and are being used, which provides the project participants with access to a computer and access to the internet. To ensure the cyber safety and optimal usage of these laptops, SOS Children’s Villages South Africa has provided our project participants (mothers and children) with in-depth training. This training covers basic computer skills (how to use a computer), use of the Microsoft package, how to use the internet search engines, e-mailing and access to e-learning and virtual collaboration platforms. Furthermore, to ensure families’ digital safety and to ensure that their internet activities are safeguarded, project participants have been taught how to look out for phishing, scams, and identity theft and training on cyber abuse and data protection.

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To contribute to the effectiveness and efficiency of education, the laptops have been installed with educational software which provides programme participants with regular updates and gauges learner progress in subjects such as Mathematics, Language and Biology.

ICT4D provides our children and youth with resources that enable them to do their homework from home, making them workplace ready and close in on the huge digital divide in our country. For caregivers, this gives them an opportunity to be in touch with other caregivers in other MAs to continue horning their parenting skills.

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The Rafiki

Looking into the future